Friday, February 10, 2012

Day in the life

The soft charm from my iPod woke me from my sleep. One eye at a time I slowly came back to the real world and awoke to a dark room. The shades were drawn making the room a black abyss. Once I flicked the lights on there was no turning back. To make the transition from lying to standing a bit easier I took a moment to paw through my email and Facebook from the convenience of my own bed.

I washed away the sleepiness from my face and moved in to the kitchen for breakfast. Sometimes I've been quite surprised to see eggs, ham, and toast; but this morning I resort to the cereal in the pantry. I took my first spoonful of cereal and could smell the slight sourness of bad milk. I immediately put my nose into the bowl and decided it wasn't worth it--dumped it out.

Still very determined to eat breakfast I went back into the fridge for the second carton of milk and when I put my nose to the opening my stomach turned again. There was no way all the milk in this house was bad. If I was reading the dates right, it was good until March.

That's were it struck me--good until March? This is not milk, I honestly thought. However, it tasted normal, which I found out after I calmed down enough to try it. Come to find out the process of pasteurizing the milk is different and milk can be kept unrefrigerated until it's opened. Smells weird, tastes good. No more questions I will just have to have to accept it.

After too much time spent pondering the milk, I hurry out the door to the metro. I put my headphones in and scan my iPod and select the playlist my boyfriend put together for me before I left home. I turn it up as I walk to the metro, letting the heavy beats of rap and hip hop fill my head. A sound I rarely hear in Spain.

Memories of home, and friends fill my head but I allow it because it doesn't make me sad. I suddenly feel the urge to dance along to the music playing in my ears but I know that it just wouldn't be socially acceptable. So I don't. I let the comfort of the music from home sing to me and smile to myself and wait as the train makes it's way to the platform.

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